Terms We Coined

Terms coined Coined by Cluster Brains
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Polyplural is an umbrella term for a system that has a complex structure with many layers and/or sisasystems. It encompasses terms such as polyfragmented, polymedian, and polymultiple.

This term is meant to mirror polyfragmented, but replaces -fragment with -plural to apply to people who would otherwise fall under the polyfragmented label but do not want to use the term or want a different term.


Polymultiple is a system that has a complex structure with many layers and/or sisasystems and is primarily multiple/partitionary.

An alternative term maybe polypartitionary, from Partitionary, the alterative term to multiple as a term for plurals with more separate members.

This term is meant to mirror polyfragmented, but replaces -fragment with -multiple to apply to people who would otherwise fall under the polyfragmented label but do not have a lot of fragments.


Polyfaceted is a system that has a complex structure with many layers and/or sisasystems and is primarily median.

The use of "faceted" refers to the specifically-median label for system members, facet.

This term is meant to mirror polyfragmented, but replaces -fragment with -faceted to apply to people who would otherwise fall under the polyfragmented label but do not have a lot of fragments.

Narrative Cluster or Scribtus / Scribia

Narrative clusters are clusters of people that are all connected by a “plot” and “story”, whom all have roles that pertain to it. None of them have to be on the same layer and can be anywhere in the system.


Kryotien describes systems that have "frozen" before (dormancy) and now are "thawing" (adding new members, active discovery, etc), or vice versa; going into dormancy.

This term uses the -tien suffix, a suffix that describes system fuctions.


Orbitien is a system that orbits around something or someone. They may orbit in fronting or have orbit fronting cycles.

This term uses the -tien suffix, a suffix that describes system fuctions.


Ingnitien refers to a system without a stable member count.

This term uses the -tien suffix, a suffix that describes system fuctions.


Temptien is a system that has members that are directly related to the environment/weather around them (ex: thunderstorms cause large eruptions of new members forming).

This term uses the -tien suffix, a suffix that describes system fuctions.


Oistien is a system that divides members up, fusing them back together after a while or just constantly divides members

This term uses the -tien suffix, a suffix that describes system fuctions.


Memetive is a members whose source is a meme.


Amorform is a system member formed from a system member's yearning.[flags by felons party & plushtsula : link on pic]

Alt term for Thotform (coined by The Haze System)

Spoon Generator

A spoon generator is a headmate who generates spoons. They do not necessarily do this while in front, but the term is most commonly used in that context

Spoon Stealer/Spoon Drainer

A spoon stealer is a system member who drains ("steals") spoons or it simply takes a lot of spoons for them to front, not necessarily always used to mean when fronting, but most commonly used.


Trechtor is a member of a system who is malicious to others, within in the system or outside the system. These members maybe extremely reluctant to change but may in the future, and they should be given the chance and option to change and grow.

This term is not the same as Malicitor.Some trechs maybe this way due to how the system copes, how their environment or many other factors.This term is simply meant as a way for systems/plurals to easily describe an experience without having to explain their trauma or similar.

Dreamtive / Somtive

A somtive is a system member who came from a dream or was introjected from a dream. Usually a night dream instead of a daydream.


A socializor is a system member whose role is socializing.They may be better at socializing, more comfortable doing so, or just generally enjoy socializing more than the rest of the system.


Paichmate is a system member, whose primary role/job is to play games for the system (such as for a stress relief, a break from things, etc).


A communicator is a headmate who communicates with others, most likely better or more efficiently than the rest of the system. This is specifically about boundaries, but can be used as each headmate sees fit.

Communimate was coined as an alternative term to not be confused with this communicator.


Gaiaorma is a system member or innerworld resident that was there before the system was and will be there after the system : a sys member has & will be there forever

Squish System

A squish system is a platonic partner system.

Fluff System is an alterative term as "squish" comes from the platonic equivalent to a crush.

Plush System

A plush system is a queerplatonic partner system.

Marshmallow or Mallow System is an alterative term as "plush" comes from the queerplatonic equivalent to a crush.


Tasi is a term for systems/collectives that are connected in someway and can travel to/from one another.

Can be used as Tasisystem, Tasiplural, Tasicollective, etc

Pluralqueer / Pluriqueer

Pluralqueer / Pluriqueer is a term for plurals/systems/collectives who are also queer.


Unpluric is a relationship with a system in a way that seems monogamous, possibly (but not limited to) with a median system.

Sorpluric / Polypluric

Sorpluric / Polypluric is a relationship with a system that is, or feels, polyamorous.


Aepluric a relationship within the system where all members are involved.


Duopluric is a term for two systems/plurals dating in a polyamorous way.


Larpluric is a term for system/plural dating one person.


Idempluric a term for two or more systems/collectives in the same body (or polyplex) who are dating/together.Does Not necessarily have to be romantic, it can be queerplatonic, alterous, platonic, or simply just a partnership.

Interpluric / Ultipluric

Interpluric / Ultipluric is a term for relationships and attractions between systems.


Aripluric is a term for relationships or attractions between a system and an individual/singlet.


Whilobased / Whilominebased is a term for systems based in the ideology of whilomine. A term directly related to specific, personal experiences within ones past that were severely damaging, traumatic, or otherwise negatively impactful, which have since been acknowledged and reclaimed by the survivor as a key factor in the development of ones identity and system.

Hyperfixation Host

Hyperfixation Host is a headmate who becomes host due to hyperfixation, usually a fictive from a source the system is hyperfixating on. This role is usually temporary and the hyperfixation host will lose host role once the hyperfixation moves on or is replaced by a new one.


Overrider is a system member who is able to override the body's emotion, feeling, etc. This is usually helpful in situations when levelheadedness is needed at a time that would usually cause a breakdown, flashbacks, or similar.


Spinorma/Fixorma is a system member who formed from speciel interests/hyperfixations.

Traumaorma / Traorma

Traumaorma / Traorma A system member whos origin is traumagenic/from trauma.


Paraorma A system menber thats orgin is from a Parascom/Daydreams.


Novusin is a term for a little (+ agere, age sliders, etc) in a system who helps the system be more stable by simply being a kid.

Novusin is an alternative term to òregulator.


Faunin is a a nonhuman member whose role is to help the system by being an animal. This can be due multiple things such as trauma but may also help the system be more stable, similar to how pet regression maybe used.


A Bipolarbased system is heavily influenced by having bipolar disorderwith it possibly affecting the innerworld, headmate roles, or the headmates themselves, but isn't a system origin.


An Anxbased system is heavily influenced by having anxiety, with it possibly affecting the innerworld, headmate roles, or the headmates themselves, but isn't a system origin.